The leadership of the European Romanian-pan-Arabic Cultural Center(CCERPA) and the entire team of the Centerpresent their solidarity and empathy to the families of the victims of the bloody attack against the French journalists from the Charlie Hebdo magazine, Paris – France.
Concerning the dialogueand the mutual respect, values that characterize the relationship of the Romanians with all the minorities in Romania, as well as with other nations, we subscribe to Mr. Iusuf Murat’s message, the religious leader of the Muslim Cult in Romania, message submitted in the condolence letter sent to the French Embassy in Romania. He declared:
All the tragic events characterized by great cruelty have nothing to do with the Islamic religionand those who cause them cannot be recognized as brothers of Muslim faith, according to the religious precepts that we apply, in character with the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad’s words. Islam firmly forbids the killing of any souland our religion is, above all, against any bloodshed,strongly condemning such attacks.
We believe that such terrorist actions, which result in the loss of human livesand which annul the democratic values and principles, can find no justification. People who resort to criminal actions as means of vengeanceplace themselves outside the foundations of modern civilization and ofall the principles of democracy which are based on mutual respect, freedom of speech and information, as well as ethnic and religious tolerance.
Condemning any action that is directed against human life and that falls outside the moral and religious precepts, we offer our sincere condolences to the bereaved families and to the entire French nation! CCERPA team