Cooperation Protocol with Isra University of Jordan in Scientific Field

Cooperation Protocol with Isra University of Jordan in Scientific Field
March 02 14:51 2015 Print This Article

On the 29th of November 2014,the European Romanian-pan-Arabic Cultural Center – CCERPA and “Spiru Haret” University have signed a cooperation protocol with Isra University ofJordan in the scientific field, having as a purpose organizing some exchanges of experience and mobility among teachers from the three institutes in areas of common interest, the collaborationon projects and in fields of excellency in scientific research, organizing common activitiesin the scientific research field among the students of the three institutions by means of scientific sessions, symposiums, conferences, round tables, public debates, summer schools, by developing the cooperation among the students of the three institutions in the cultural domain, as well as the discussion of complementary education issues of the continuous formation, the encouraging and the development of cooperation relations of student associations. Initiating projects that can develop the students’ mobility between the three institutions based on the accumulation and transfer of credits of study.

“Spiru Haret” University – SHU offersthe Romanian community and mixt families the possibility to follow Romanian Language online courses, and at the same time it allows Jordanian students and those who come from mixt families the possibility to sign up for courses ofthe Faculties in SHU, and it helps them by all necessary means in order to promote and integrate them in the Romanian society and culture.

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